Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Men Love Women...Sports Illustrated Style!

Since 1996, freshman year @ Hewlett High School, my bff at the time, Meri Brenowitz, now Meri Zwirn taught me that other than the September issue of Vogue, the next best issue is Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Edition...and that was the end of that...from 1996 and on, I've been collecting beautiful tiny bikinis of beautiful women from all over the world.
Granted through history women have always been idolized for their beauty, but from cover girl, Irina Shyak to Kenza Fourati...This Why Men love Women.
I totally get it...and love my girls in this year's Sports Illustrated 2011. They look incredible.
"Awe"some actually.

There are so many girls and it was hard to pick my top few but here they are...and yes, love the suits too.
Everyone should pick up an issue...



GREEN SEXT LADY M&M...Fantastic!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

V Day Love...

Monday night...February 14th 8:57pm

So there you have it...blogging at the prime romance hour of the prime romantic Hallmark day of the year...and YES! I actually did Tweet Bethenny Frankel from the bathroom of The Four Seasons Restaurant announcing that I was in fact sipping on a fine Veuve Clicquot champagne and that I would follow in her footsteps since her wedding to Jason Hoppy was televised last March in the pool room of The Four Seasons. In fact, I may have called her "Skinnygirl" because I wasn't too sure how to spell her name...regardless, I spent the next 30 minutes back at the bar checking my phone for Bethenny's tweet (because that's normal!??!)

I mean, really...Yael! It's lover's one's tweeting you back about finally making it to oysters and champagne at The Four Seasons.

Walking up the stairs to the main bar area I hear Julian say, "Laura...Ciao...long time no are you beautiful?!"

Julian Niccolini is the one of the managing partners of the Four Seasons Restaurant.  Laura knows the some of "the guys" (as she calls'em) at The Four Seasons well for many years through work functions, charities, and simply being part of the NYC's Midtown finance social network...It was time for me to stop feeling flustered and grow up...this is Manhattan! I've already typed up this whole official entry to post about Valentines started with one of those, "if you're attached, you're celebrating lover's day....if you're not're obviously celebrating singles' awareness day talking smack about ex boyfriends or girlfriends and all the while trying to remain positive even though you really can't believe some of the words that are flying out of your mouth"
OK on to the serious business....WHO was St. Valentine? I mean...I get it...Santa is to Christmas as SaintValentine is to Valentines Day?
Well...according to some Catholic sources and The Inernet, I have to tell you that I was a bit disappointed when I discovered who Saint Valentine actually was.

So it goes like this...

Saint or Saint(s) Valentine(s) were actually a group of priests and martyrs...yup! Bin Laden? or more like Napoleon? hmmm...they persecuted anyone who was anti-Christ or went against the beliefs of the Church...they basically went out and KILLED anyone who was against the Catholic church (true story I guess)....

They were so dedicated to their GD, that while fighting off these so called "pagans" and "non believers" they fell in battle.  It was then said to be that the Saints died for the LOVE of GD...hmmm...

After many some (random) point...or about 1700 years ago, people used to buy each other chocolates and flowers to celebrate the 14th of February...oh...yes...I totally forgot to mention that AFTER St. Valentine and his team of martyrs died for the Love of GD, there was a feast in honor of all of their dedication to loving GD and persecuting anyone who didn't believe what they believed...This feast was called the Feast of St. Valentine. It just so happened to be held on the 14th of

Love of for one another = chocolates, flowers, romance, United States of America, Hallmark, business, forced cheesy love holiday, $$$$$ (why didn't I think of that)???

Do I sound bitter? I hope I don't...Even when I was committed I never celebrated V Day. I just thought it was so painted...fake.

But, then IS a holiday celebrating the most holy and sacred emotion and phenomenon...LOVE!
At the end of the day, it's the BEST HOLIDAY EVER...when do we celebrate love in the masses?
unfortunately not enough.

People are just in a mood...a good one ;)

The bar at the Four Seasons was nice and crowded with singles and committeds.

Julian approached Laura and I and introduced us to Michael and Alexander. Michael: an attractive Lebanese gentleman, sporting his own luxury label (suite, tie, suspenders, the works), was worldly, successful and a well spoken. Michael was accompanied by Alexander, the tall, thin, attractive Gotham Magazine reporter who was writing a piece on this Lebanese fashion 'mogul.' Alexander and I would have to probably share more stories about living on the Lower East Side and jet setting from the west side to the east side of Manhattan.  Alexander: musician & songwriter at heart, bad ass reporter by day. GD I LOVE NEW YORK!!

I was called out on wearing my black rubber swatch watch but then quickly made up for it with my McQueen scull scarf! Although I wasn't gulping down oysters on ice (not a Shellfish or Pork Kind'a Gal) and sipping on Veuve, I realized how much love there actually is out there.

I excused myself from my party only to go home and blog about it and now I'm on my way out to my next party....La Vie on 1st between 1st & 2nd...a Jet Set Moroccan party on the LES...If my new bangs,
Derek Lamb frames, and Giuseppe oxfords don't get'em....maybe St. Valentine will watch over my love luck and make my romantic dreams come true.

more to follow...

ps-John Legend & The Roots (Wake Up) has been the soundtrack to this blog...get it and follow me...