Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kick'n it Tel Aviv..."Welcome Back!"

“The local time is five thirty in the evening, it is 28 degrees celsius under clear skies. On behalf of our Tel Aviv based flight crew and El Al Airlines, thank you for choosing to fly with us today…”

I grabbed my turquoise Goyard, tucked my braid into my fedora (I purchased on St. Marks for $10 earlier that day), slaped on some Coral Love lip gloss (Chanel # 146), and did a once over my (economy class) aisle seat. I have yet to fly first class over the Atlantic, across Europe all the way to the Middle East.

**Side Note**
El Al Airfare Average in season
Coach Fair: $1,560 (April-October)
First Class Fair: $9,000 (April -October)

My stomach was in knots but my mind was at ease as I walked off the 747 smiling out loud..."I'm home"

Walking through the limestone corridor toward customs and baggage claim, I got an overwhelming feeling of excitement and instantly went over the inventory of bathing suits and beach outfits in my luggage. I must have packed suits to last me a month! But with new roof top pool parties opening up by the minute in Tel Aviv, multiple daily options were a must.

I scanned the customs area for the shortest line and jumped behind an orthodox family of eight. Each sibling watching over the younger one (with the oldest child probably nine years old). The ten minutes online felt like hours! I couldn't wait to get my bags and on my way..."Shalom." The customs officer behind the bullet proof glass said. I slid my passport under the glass and smiled back...she fliped through the pages, and scanned my face.

"Welcome back Yael," she slid my passport back to me.  "It's good to be back!" I said.

And there I was, at carousel #3 anxiously looking for my luggage...familiar faces from my flight were surrounding the carousel all patiently waiting for their belongings.
GD must have been listening, because mine was one of the first to arrive.

I am here, I am now, I am so alive and couldn't be happier...

Kick'n it @ Nanuchka (Lilinblum 30, Tel-Aviv Israel)
The thing about Israel is matter where you go, no matter what you do, you're never visiting a new place. You're always returning to a place you've been to before (whether in your dreams or in a past life), hence the, "great to see you again" smile greeting you wherever you go. Sometimes it's at the train station, at the coffee shop, at the beach, or even on line at a public restroom...the entire country is one big neighborhood...your neighborhood. It is a place where biblical history and modern spirituality collide.

Yalla!!! Let's go...we've got much to live for...

The view of Topsea Beach from Liberty Park (Tel Aviv)
Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv
Salute to the IDF
Israel's fresh produce

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